jury duty is hell on earth...

so here i am performing my civil duty as an american and i have never felt so much dislike...how am i to make a good day out of any of this??? i arrived at 8:15 am to find myself seated in a room with no air and bodies everywhere; everyone is in a bad mood, not to mention my claustrophobic issues...
now it's 10:15 and all they've managed to get finished was giving 001-600 people their 15 bucks and a sticker...let me just say i will be leaving here today negative cash, because the parking is 12 dollars (no vouchers) and the internet is 7 bucks...not to mention the 3-4 bucks on junk food to keep me ALIVE!!! at this present moment cleaning my toilet sounds fabulous!!!
i understand there could be worse places to be although i can't believe i will leave this place today with less money then i stared with after payment and NOTHING accomplished!!! AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF WE CAN'T LEAVE UNTIL 4:30
You are about to get about 30-50 more spam. Change your settings on your comments to make it more difficult for people to leave a comment.
BTW, things are about to get a lot worse for you if you get picked for jury duty. You should have gone to work instead.
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